This is an article for Admaestro users and general users who want to learn music a little more serious.
To study and interpret music , it is essential to read scores because they are only tangible materials that composers can express their music.
Please get a miniature score of Eine kleinenacht Musik by Mozart. You can get one from your music dealers or you can down load it from IMSLP site on lime. When you use the digital score, print out a hard copy otherwise you would not be in time for turning pages.
The above is the beginning of the work. String parts are a basis for the orchestra scores and they consist of first violins (Vn1), second violins (Vn2), violas (Va), Cellos (Vc) and Contrabasses (Cb). Any additional instruments are listed above the string section by modern common notation. In the above score, cellos and contrabasses use a same sheet music, so two instruments are arranged in one stave.
Before Beethoven, it was quite popular for cellos and contrabasses to use the same sheet music and the combination of two instruments are sometimes called “Basso”
The string section is always set in the bottom of scores, and Vn1 is always put on top of the section. It is important to find Vn1 part instantly because 80% of melodies are played by Vn1. Therefore, beginners should get accustomed to find and read Vn1 while reading scores.
Your goal is to follow Vn1 in the score while listening to the music.
When music starts, read Vn1 part of the score, only 4 measures are written for the first paragraph. If music has reached the end of music and you are not lost, Congratulations!
It is not required for beginners to read the music exactly. If you know where players are playing, it is more than enough. Just repeat this practice until you find it easy and you will find yourself looking at other parts of score. Then, try to read Vc/Cb part whose importance is always next to melody parts.
Listening to music while reading scores, you can visualize the music. The best practice for score reading is: (1) Read the score while listening to the music. (2) Remember the music reading the score. Repeat (1) and (2) until you can visualize the music. Take it easy and take your time for this practice.